We offer a wide variety of home services to meet your needs. Everyone’s situation is different, so we welcome you to reach out should you have any questions on details of our services and pricing.
We offer Trash Bin Valet Service! We charge $10.00 for the 1st can, $3.00 for each additional. Billing is sent out at the end of each month. You can pay by cash, check, Zelle, PayPal. or Venmo
Pictures and report following post-storm inspection
Pre-storm pick-up and store, or tie-down, anything that can blow away or be damaged during a storm.
Walk the perimeter of your home and check for overall condition, erosion, signs of broken pipes or drainage issues.
Check landscaping for potential problems
Check windows, screen, and doors for any damage or signs of damage or intrusion
Visually check siding and walls for cracks and water issues
Check for any visual damage and potential issues on property
Check decks, steps, and walkways.
Have access to your home to do periodic checks if vacant long-term
Visually check the overall condition of the home
Visually check for obvious signs of broken water pipes
Check windows and doors and verify they are locked
Run garbage disposal, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer
Check refrigerator and freezer
Reset clocks if needed
Flush all toilets and wait until the run is complete to verify no apparent issues
Verify temperature of home as set by owner
Reset security system upon departure if required
Some of our other services. Call if you don't find what you need.
For rentals: staging and small repairs (after cleaning services have finished) before renters arrive.
Package delivery to your property? We can bring them inside (30 lbs max limit)
Need someone at your home during a service or delivery? We can arrange to be at your home and remain during the service, closing up your home after.
Prep home for owner or guest arrivals
Trash bin service. Place bins out to curb for pickup or bring bins in
Grocery service - we will stock your kitchen for you and/or your guest' favorite items